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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Younger Generations

I was walking through the mall yesterday and saw an advertisement above a soda vending machine from Pepsi which read, "Every Generation Refreshes the World". The words - not the advertisement - resonated with me. Every generation refreshes the world.

With the birth of each new child, the world is refreshed because humanity is renewed. When a newborn first opens her eyes, she sees the world with a fresh perspective. When a toddler takes his first steps, he his making strides in a new direction.

Each new generation sees the world into which it was born, and at some point asks, "Is this all there is? Isn't there a better way?" And then they go to work to find it.

We live in a day and age that is faced with monumental challenges. The world is in upheaval, physically - earthquakes, storms and tsunamis; morally - freedom of choice has become confused with freedom from consequence; and financially - entitlement and instant gratification have pushed economies to the brink. And yet the up and coming generation sees these challenges and demands, "There must be a better way!"

Often, it is us, the older generation that get in the way of our younger people. Yes, we must give guidance and direction. Many would say that we must set boundaries. I suggest that we should explain the need for boundaries both in word and example, and allow them to set boundaries for themselves. In other words, help them understand that if they cross certain boundaries, the consequences will be beyond their control and will have disastrous results.

We must allow them to fail when failure will not have lasting consequences. They need to learn that through failure, they discover the path to success. It is when we shelter them so much that we limit their horizons that they learn to live in fear and hate.

Fortunately, technology is making it easier for youth to learn for themselves what the consequences of bad (and good) choices will be. They learn from the mistakes of others and from the lives of our own generation.

There are those who feel that the up and coming generation is a sign of the end of humanity. I say that it is a bright and shining example of renewal and refreshing change. Because, after all, every generation refreshes the world.

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