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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Nothing is Everything

Nothingness, empty space, everything that isn't anything - defines everything else. Have I lost you yet? Okay, try this: Nothing is Everything. No? Perhaps I should explain.

In your minds eye I want you to picture a vase. Now consider the material of which it is made. Perhaps it's crystal, porcelain or glass. Now smash it with a hammer - is it still crystal, porcelain or glass? Yes. Is it a vase? No. You see, what made it a vase was not the vase itself, but the emptiness inside the shape of the vase.

One could argue that it is the shape of the vase that defines it. True; but only when that shape is filled with nothingness. If it were filled with vase material - crystal, porcelain or glass - it would be a very heavy paperweight.

Okay, here is another example. Music. If you were to ask someone what makes music... well, music, they would most likely say the notes. However, they would be wrong. What makes sound into music is the silence between the notes. One, never-ending, sustained note - or chord - is not music. It is noise.

It is the invisible, the intangible and the untouchable that makes everything what it is. Consider a dollar bill. The only thing that gives it value is something that you can't touch. Because the only thing that gives any money value is what can be done with it.

And the same is true for all of us. We are not defined by our flesh - warts and all. We are defined by our souls, our minds and our spirits. When I see how strongly society wants to define and give worth to someone by how they look and what they where, I shudder. Worse yet, I cringe when I see others accept these definitions and ideas as true.

Some time ago my wife was watching a reality show - man, those things are everywhere! This show was called (I think) Real Beauty. It was a beauty contest wherein the contestants were brought in to compete for the title "World's Most Beautiful Person", and the winner would receive $100,000 and have their photo in People Magazine's "100 Most Beautiful People" edition.

I don't like that edition. Why? Because the only people that they feature are those that are judged to have the perfect physical appearance. However, the reality show had a fun twist. Each week, the contestants would be faced with a moral dilemma and they were judged, not on their physical appearance, but on how they showed moral courage, kindness and compassion. I thought that was pretty neat - the contestants who were booted out each week were told of the real purpose of the contest, and it was amazing how many of them had attitudes of, "Well, I don't care what you say, I am the most beautiful person in the world - I have flawless skin, a perfect body...." blah, blah, blah.

Of course, none of the contestants were overweight, had acne or were going bald.

As humans we tend to judge ourselves much too harshly. If someone has a pimple on their forehead, they judge that entire pimple as what they look like - and then compare it to the whole person standing next to them. We all have a desperate need to be accepted. Please know that you are accepted - warts, pimples, bad breath and all. You are the perfect you. Why? Because YOU are not your body.

You are the invisible, intangible and untouchable that resides within your body. Look at all of the homes in your community. Are all of them the same size, shape, color or layout? Do they all have the same landscaping? No, of course not. But it isn't those things that makes these houses into homes. It is the people who live in it - their hopes, dreams, fears, successes and failures that make a house a home.

And here is the miracle. When what is inside the home is good, loving and supportive, all those who reside therein love their home. If all that is inside of you is good, loving and supportive, all those who reside therein will love you. That means you and all those whom you carry with you in your mind, heart and soul. They all love and accept you - warts, pimples, bad breath and all.

You are not the mortal expression of your current state. You are the immortal being that is currently experiencing mortality. And what an experience!

Be all that you can be with who you are. Love your invisible self. It is everlasting and grander than anything you can imagine. After all, it doesn't have to worry about pimples, a few extra pounds or hair loss.

1 comment:

  1. Right on! once again an awesome blog. My days
    just are so much better after reading and pondering your blog.


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