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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Your Infinite Worth

As Americans, we believe, as is stated in the Declaration of Independence, that all men are created equal. We tend to forget that the most important word in that belief is created, not equal. Whether you believe in a Divine Creator or not, you are a created being - your parents can attest to that.

At birth, we are all equally dependent upon others for our very survival. We depend on them for food, shelter and above all, love. We are loving organisms. We can feel deep within us that great emotion that gives life to living. Without love we may be alive, but we are not living.

The most important kind of love is love of self. And this is where equality stops and wonder can begin. Isn't it wonderful that you are different from every other human being? Isn't it wonderful that you have your own thoughts and ideas that are unique to you, and you alone?

Many people don't like being different. This is because they long for acceptance. The problem is that before they can ever feel accepted by any other person, they must accept themselves, as Cromwell said, "Warts and all." You are the perfect example of you. No one else can compare. You are special because you are one of a kind.

Of all of the cell configurations that came together to make you - WOW! It blows my mind to think of all the infinite possibilities - and those infinite possibilities made YOU! How great is that? There will never be another you. There will never be another being who has the necessary combinations of your DNA and your experiences, both seen and unseen.

Henry Marsh, a world-renowned track and field athlete once said to me, "You are the sum total of all your experiences." That means that everything you have gone through - the good and the bad - has molded and shaped you to become the unique and special person that you are.

Who wants to fit in when there is a space, a purpose, a reason for being that only you can fill? There are things that must be done - things that will set conditions and circumstances in motion that only you can do. Like the line of standing dominoes, if you aren't there to start the chain of events, nobody else will.

Do this. Stand in front of a mirror. Stop looking down at your waist or up at your hairline! Look in your eyes - no, don't look away. Keep looking. Look deeper. The shadows that haunt your soul and would hide your uniqueness fade away as you look into the mirrored reflection of your soul.

You're still in front of the mirror, right? Good. Stop comparing yourself to others - even your former self (you can't go back in time, no matter what Hollywood says). Look at the unique flecks of color contained in your irises (the colored part of your eye) - NOBODY has that same pattern (not even your identical twin). Look how the colors blend and harmonize. Your soul can and should be the same with your heart - in harmony.

Feel the love - let it out. Let go of your fear. Other loves in your life may fade, be taken tragically away or walk spitefully away from you - and this hurts like no other pain in the world. But the love you get from yourself will never leave you, it will never abandon you. You can trust your heart to yourself - it will be in good hands. Love yourself and you will feel yourself respond with love for you.

I know that it sounds like I am talking about two different people, and in a way, I am. You are a combination of the person you are when you are with the world, and the person you are when you are with yourself. Realize that yourself will always support you, love you and be there for you. You will never, never be alone.

If you could only see yourself the way the universe sees you! You are a god or goddess - unique and powerful of thought and emotion. Your inner world is your domain of magic and power. Always take time to spend time with yourself - your true self. Who cares what everyone else thinks? As long as you love yourself and yourself loves you - who cares?

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