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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Why This? Why Now?

Explaining why I am writing this blog may be a bit of a challenge because, as is often the case, feelings are difficult to put into words. Nevertheless, it is the medium of communication that is a transcendent quality of humans. All forms of life communicate - we do it with words.

So here goes. All of us, at some point in life, must answer the question, "Why am I here?" I don't mean this from a religious perspective of what we do with our mortal probation to prepare for the eternities. I mean from a contributory perspective.

Perhaps a better way to word the question would be, "What do I have to offer that is uniquely mine and can do the most good?" For Thomas Edison, it was the electric light bulb, and he was so determined to make it a reality that he failed 10,000 times in order to succeed.

So, why this? Because it is what I am uniquely suited to do. I don't mean this as a point of bragging - I see it as an obligation. I am not a gifted scientist - as my college algebra instructors can testify. I am not an award-winning entrepreneur - as my failed business attempts can illustrate.

I do, however, possess a gift. It has taken 46 years of pain, frustration and confusion to identify this gift, although it was there from the very beginning. I just thought it was how everybody functioned.

I will try to put this gift into words, and if I fail, it is not the fault of the determination and passion that drives me, but the fault of being me. I help. I counsel. I see the miraculous in so many things that seem ordinary to others. And so many of these others - perhaps you, dear reader - are suffering from tragedy, pain, loneliness, grief and a hundred other negative things that seem to drag you down into a pit of woe.

I don't know why, although I too, have had my share of difficulties (more on that later),  but I have remained optimistic, hopeful and eager for the future. And I have a way of helping others find that within themselves. I hope that I can do the same for you.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for this blog it really made a good
    start to my day. Very insiteful and it has made
    me think of the question "Why am I here"

    keeping on blogging I look forward to the next one.


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