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Friday, March 19, 2010


As we meander down the path of life, we bump into all types and personalities. With some we share a moment and with others we share a life. I have learned that, sometimes, those we bump into have long passed on, others are still here, and some are yet to arrive. Of all these, there are a few who stand out as examples of who we would like to emulate - our heroes.

I would like to honor some of the heroes in my life and share with you why I look up to them. Each has characteristics that I admire and flaws that I understand. It is by seeing and choosing the better part that I can find a path that makes me better, too.

First and foremost is my wife. I know it sounds corny but she really is my best friend. We were pen-pals for 6 years before we officially dated, and my life would not be complete without her. She is my hero for three reasons:

1) She is an awesome mother. All her life she wanted to be a mom, and she has never, not once, felt that her children were a burden or "the enemy". And they know it. She has raised them to be wonderful adults who have great capacities for love and strength.

2) She is a savior to her father. She donated her kidney to him. But that is the way she has always been. She will give anything she has, if it will help another. Not because she seeks honor or recognition, but because she has true compassion.

3) She is courageous. She has had to deal with some very serious illnesses and trauma in her life, and yet she soldiers on. She never gives up, but forces herself out of bed to take care of me, her children and our home - sometimes even when in agonizing pain.

My next hero is my son. This young man will change the world. He is visionary and he is determined. He has an amazing talent for not quitting on things that matter to him. I also admire his musical talent. Many people have similar musical capabilities, but I am privileged to witness his talent first hand.

My next hero is my daughter. She has always been honest. She always tells the truth, even when it hurts. And yet she is also my sunshine. She, like her mother, is extremely compassionate and caring. She has a talent, one of the most powerful talents I have ever witnessed - she has the ability to make others smile and feel accepted. Few people can genuinely do so.

I also admire George Washington. I admire his courage and faith in the face of impossible odds. His humility was his greatest strength. After holding office as President of the United States, he willingly stepped down from office. Most others, throughout history, would have held their positions as long as possible and only surrendered after much strife and even bloodshed.

I admire Thomas Jefferson. His vision of what it meant to be a free country was a catalyst for change. He saw the importance of allowing the people to choose for themselves their own society and destiny.

I admire James Madison. His concern for the welfare of the people gave us the Bill of Rights. Were it not for his determination, we would not have the liberties we enjoy today, and our Constitution would most likely have failed.

I admire my ancestor, John Tanner. He was a wealthy land owner from New York who gave all that he had, and was even willing to lay down his life for his faith. It was his sacrifice that saved his new-found religious leaders from having to sacrifice the first temple they ever built. Once he accepted this new faith, he never looked back - only forward, through great trial and tribulation.

I admire my paternal grandfather. He provided for his family through the Great Depression and, in spite of losing a leg to an industrial accident, was a self-made man of success. He was a brilliant mechanic and loved his grandchildren with all of his heart.

I admire my mother. She is the hardest working person I have ever known. She provided for our family in spite of having never graduating high school. She continues to work even to this day.

I admire my brother. Many times, when other children would have picked on me, he took their abuse. He always stuck up for me and believed in me.

I admire my sister. She is willful, stubborn and hard-headed. And it is these traits that have brought her great success in life. But I admire her softer side - the one that she doesn't let the rest of the world see. She has a great heart.

I also admire my boyhood scout leaders, church leaders and current church leaders. They were all men of integrity and honor.

This is, of course, a short list of the men and women I admire. So why have I shared this with you? Because I believe that when we take time to reflect upon those people whom we admire and respect, we realize our own values. Their strengths are like a homing beacon, keeping me on course and pointed in the right direction.

Now here comes the fun part. I try to see something admirable in every person I meet. I don't always succeed, but I can usually see something in the other people I meet from which I can learn how to be a better me. As Aesop said, "If I and two others travel a road, one will always be my teacher and the other my student. And who is which depends on the matter at hand."

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much your blog was very touching and heartfelt, it brightened my day. I am now thinking of my heros and why they are my heros.

    I look forward to your next blog


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