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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Another Day Full of Promise

I know that it has been a long time since I have written in my blog, and I could, as is human nature make several (even valid - a least in my mind) excuses, but that wouldn't really do any of us much good. Let's just say that over the past few weeks, I have received a large dose of wisdom and let it go at that.

Someone once said that the only way to attain wisdom is through wrinkles and scars, both visible and hidden. I must say that I agree wholeheartedly.

I just have to remember that I have to make a choice, probably every day, what kind of day I am going to have. You see, circumstances through which I must pass do not determine whether I am having a good day or a bad day. Probably the best way to explain what I mean is to look at the weather.

Yesterday was sunny and bright. One might say it was a good day - except that it was hot - 95 degrees. Some would say that it was a bad day because it was so hot. Likewise on a cold, snowy day, one might say that it is a miserable day - except for the skiers on the slopes.

It's just the same old adage of the glass being half empty or half full. I choose what I see. And you know what, I've decided that I'm happy to have a glass. What difference if it is half full or half empty? It is in a state of change anyway, either being filled or depleted. The other day, I was at the Brick Oven pizza restaurant, and I ever have to worry whether or not my glass was half full or empty because the waiter kept filling it up again.

Life is like that.

So I choose, and must continue to choose, each day to appreciate the fact that I have a glass - a container for all that I experience; my mind and my soul. Good, bad or indifferent, I am all that I experience and how I choose to process those experiences. I choose to make lemonade.

Life has been challenging - oh, so challenging lately. But it is the only life that I have, so it is good. I will rise to the challenge and prevail - or at least persevere. Because like my glass in the restaurant, things change and time moves on.

So here we are, another day full of promise.